The updated draw for the Isle of Man Open 2021 can be seen above.
All players to be there and commence warming up at least 5 minutes to their designated time slot(s). There is NO wiggle room in the order of play and has taken some time to pull together. Any small changes has knock on consequences for other matches which is unfair to them so please make sure you know when you are playing and be there on time. If there is any changes you will be notified by text. Please also check with tournament organisers if you are unsure if you have 1 or 2 matches on a night, we would rather you ask than just leave as this also impacts others. First matches start at 6:30pm.
All players to make payment on day 1 along with any outstanding amounts due for the individual memberships and unpaid entries from previous tournaments. The Card reader machine will be in use so there is no excuses and a no-pay no-play policy will be enforced.
Winners are to mark the following match. All matches are to be best of 5 – PAR scoring to 11 (2 clear at 10-10).
Please do stick around on the final night and join us at the Horse and Plough for some a drink and free food and feel free!