Junior Awards – Congratulations to Cristina, Harvey and Emma

The IOMSRA Committee and its members would like to thank all the coaches and players who are actively involved in developing squash talent on the IOM. We would particularly like to thank the Junior Development head coach Pat Fitzpatrick and his team of Junior Academy Squash Coaches – Ben Peach, Richard Webster and Beth Jones.

We would also like to thank Les Callow, Andy Dalrymple, Steven Wright and John Watterson who coach at the MYG sessions. Worthy of special mention are Les Callow and Gary Crease who have been heavily involved in developing our younger players through individual coaching sessions.

If it wasn’t for the coaches mentioned above the IOM wouldn’t have such a good crop of junior players coming through the IOMSRA Junior development system (which includes the MYG sessions). The hard work and commitment of all the coaches mentioned above is one of the reasons why we have so many good junior squash players.      

Most sports coaches will be aware of the saying – “Coaches don’t make players, Players make players”. The coach guides the athlete towards the destination and keeps them on track, however the athlete needs the drive and determination to push on towards the destination. 

The Juniors players receiving the junior awards really have demonstrated the drive and determination required to improve at a sport. So it is with recognition to this truth that the Junior squash coaches have decided to announce the Junior squash awards winners for the 2019/2020 season are – 

Left – Cristina Cruz – most improved from Development session 

Centre – Harvey Douglas – most improved from Advanced session 

Right – Emma Leith – Junior Player of the Season