Player of the Season for 2019-2020

Player of the Season for 2019-2020 IOMSRA Squash fixtures and tournaments have been postponed because of the Coronavirus and it could be a couple of months or more before fixtures can be resumed, so it seems fitting to decide the ‘Player of the Season’ now. The criteria for determining the player of the season is… Continue reading Player of the Season for 2019-2020

Categorised as News

Outcasts and Island Exhaust Vets remain favourites for Titles

Outcasts and Island Exhaust Vets remain favourites for Titles Due to the Coronavirus crisis only six matches from Week 18 of the IOMSRA Squash league for 2019-2020 were played before all future matches were postponed. This leaves the A league with six matches to be played, the B league with another six matches and the… Continue reading Outcasts and Island Exhaust Vets remain favourites for Titles

Nathan Mead victorious in Utmost Wealth Solutions Isle of Man Squash Championships 2020

Nathan Mead victorious in Utmost Wealth Solutions Isle of Man Squash Championships 2020 The IOMSRA staged the Utmost Wealth Solutions Isle Of Man Championships from Monday 9th March through to Friday 13th March. This was played using the ‘Monrad’ methodology which means players usually get a game each round of the Tournament and with an… Continue reading Nathan Mead victorious in Utmost Wealth Solutions Isle of Man Squash Championships 2020