IOMSRA Easter Graded Tournament 2019 Photos

The IOMSRA Easter Graded Squash Tournament for 2019 took place between Tuesday 23rd and Friday 26th April. Competitors were entered into Grade A, B, C or D competitions depending on their playing ability (Squash Levels ranking). A full report will be written and published, through the usual channels, in the near future but for now… Continue reading IOMSRA Easter Graded Tournament 2019 Photos

Isle of Man gain vital experience and perform well in the European Team Championships – a full report

Isle of Man Squash Rackets Association sent a squad to compete in the European Team Championships from the 3rd to 6th of April in Lisbon, Portugal. The Isle of Man were in Division 3, competing against nineteen other European countries, and for the first time in ten years put forward a women’s as well as… Continue reading Isle of Man gain vital experience and perform well in the European Team Championships – a full report